CAccountNetworkServiceAccountId | NetworkServiceAccountId |
CAccountProfile | Profile |
CAccountProfileBase | ProfileBase |
CAccountUid | Account UserId |
CAccountUserData | UserData |
CAes128CbcContext | Context for AES-128 CBC |
CAes128CmacContext | Context for AES-128 CMAC |
CAes128Context | Context for AES-128 operations |
CAes128CtrContext | Context for AES-128 CTR |
CAes128XtsContext | Context for AES-128 XTS |
CAes192CbcContext | Context for AES-192 CBC |
CAes192CmacContext | Context for AES-192 CMAC |
CAes192Context | Context for AES-192 operations |
CAes192CtrContext | Context for AES-192 CTR |
CAes192XtsContext | Context for AES-192 XTS |
CAes256CbcContext | Context for AES-256 CBC |
CAes256CmacContext | Context for AES-256 CMAC |
CAes256Context | Context for AES-256 operations |
CAes256CtrContext | Context for AES-256 CTR |
CAes256XtsContext | Context for AES-256 XTS |
CAppletApplication | IApplicationAccessor container |
CAppletApplicationAttribute | ApplicationAttribute |
CAppletApplicationAttributeForQuest | Attributes for launching applications for Quest |
CAppletApplicationLaunchProperty | ApplicationLaunchProperty |
CAppletApplicationLaunchRequestInfo | ApplicationLaunchRequestInfo |
CAppletAttribute | Used by appletInitialize with __nx_applet_AppletAttribute for cmd OpenLibraryAppletProxy (AppletType_LibraryApplet), on [3.0.0+]. The default for this struct is all-zero |
CAppletGpuErrorHandler | GpuErrorHandler |
CAppletHolder | LibraryApplet state |
CAppletHookCookie | Applet hook cookie |
CAppletIdentityInfo | IdentityInfo |
CAppletInfo | Cached info for the current LibraryApplet, from appletGetAppletInfo |
CAppletLockAccessor | LockAccessor |
CAppletProcessLaunchReason | AppletProcessLaunchReason, from GetLaunchReason |
CAppletResourceUsageInfo | AppletResourceUsageInfo, from appletGetAppletResourceUsageInfo |
CAppletStorage | Applet IStorage |
CAsyncResult | AsyncResult |
CAsyncValue | AsyncValue |
CAudioDeviceName | AudioDeviceName |
CAudioDriver | |
CAudioDriverWaveBuf | |
CAudioInBuffer | Audio input buffer format |
CAudioOutBuffer | Audio output buffer format |
CAudioRendererAdpcmContext | |
CAudioRendererAdpcmParameters | |
CAudioRendererBehaviorInfoIn | |
CAudioRendererBehaviorInfoOut | |
CAudioRendererBiquadFilter | |
CAudioRendererChannelInfoIn | |
CAudioRendererCircularBufferSinkInfoIn | |
CAudioRendererConfig | |
CAudioRendererDeviceSinkInfoIn | |
CAudioRendererDownMixParameters | |
CAudioRendererMemPoolInfoIn | |
CAudioRendererMemPoolInfoOut | |
CAudioRendererMixInfoIn | |
CAudioRendererPerformanceBufferInfoIn | |
CAudioRendererPerformanceBufferInfoOut | |
CAudioRendererSinkInfoIn | |
CAudioRendererSinkInfoOut | |
CAudioRendererUpdateDataHeader | |
CAudioRendererVoiceInfoIn | |
CAudioRendererVoiceInfoOut | |
CAudioRendererWaveBuf | |
CAudrecRecorder | |
CAvmRequiredVersionEntry | |
CAvmVersionListEntry | |
CAvmVersionListImporter | |
CBarrier | Barrier structure |
CBinder | |
CBqBufferInput | |
CBqBufferOutput | |
CBqGraphicBuffer | |
CBqRect | |
CBsdInitConfig | Configuration structure for bsdInitalize |
CBtdevGattAttribute | GattAttribute |
CBtdevGattCharacteristic | GattCharacteristic |
CBtdevGattDescriptor | GattDescriptor |
CBtdevGattService | GattService |
CBtdrvAdapterProperty | AdapterProperty [12.0.0+] |
CBtdrvAdapterPropertyOld | AdapterProperty [1.0.0-11.0.1] |
CBtdrvAdapterPropertySet | AdapterPropertySet [12.0.0+] |
CBtdrvAddress | Address |
CBtdrvAudioControlButtonState | AudioControlButtonState |
CBtdrvAudioEventInfo | Data for btdrvGetAudioEventInfo. The data stored here depends on the BtdrvAudioEventType |
CBtdrvBleAdvertiseFilter | BleAdvertiseFilter |
CBtdrvBleAdvertisement | BleAdvertisement |
CBtdrvBleAdvertisePacketData | BleAdvertisePacketData |
CBtdrvBleAdvertisePacketDataEntry | BtdrvBleAdvertisePacketDataEntry |
CBtdrvBleAdvertisePacketParameter | BleAdvertisePacketParameter |
CBtdrvBleClientGattOperationInfo | BleClientGattOperationInfo |
CBtdrvBleConnectionInfo | BleConnectionInfo |
CBtdrvBleConnectionParameter | BleConnectionParameter [9.0.0+] |
CBtdrvBleEventInfo | Data for btdrvGetBleManagedEventInfo and btdrvGetLeHidEventInfo. The data stored here depends on the BtdrvBleEventType |
CBtdrvBleScanResult | BleScanResult |
CBtdrvBluetoothPinCode | BluetoothPinCode [1.0.0-11.0.1] |
CBtdrvChannelMapList | ChannelMapList |
CBtdrvCircularBuffer | CircularBuffer |
CBtdrvClassOfDevice | ClassOfDevice |
CBtdrvEventInfo | Data for btdrvGetEventInfo. The data stored here depends on the BtdrvEventType |
CBtdrvGattAttribute | GattAttribute |
CBtdrvGattAttributeUuid | GattAttributeUuid |
CBtdrvGattId | GattId |
CBtdrvHidData | HidData [1.0.0-8.1.1] |
CBtdrvHidEventInfo | Data for btdrvGetHidEventInfo. The data stored here depends on the BtdrvHidEventType |
CBtdrvHidReport | HidReport [9.0.0+] |
CBtdrvHidReportEventInfo | Data for btdrvGetHidReportEventInfo. The data stored here depends on the BtdrvHidEventType |
CBtdrvHidReportEventInfoBufferData | The raw sharedmem data for HidReportEventInfo |
CBtdrvLeConnectionParams | LeConnectionParams [5.0.0-8.1.1] |
CBtdrvLeEventInfo | LeEventInfo |
CBtdrvPcmParameter | PcmParameter |
CBtdrvPinCode | BtdrvPinCode [12.0.0+] |
CBtdrvPlrList | PlrList |
CBtdrvPlrStatistics | PlrStatistics |
CBtmBdName | BdName |
CBtmBleDataPath | BleDataPath |
CBtmClassOfDevice | ClassOfDevice |
CBtmConnectedDeviceV1 | BtmConnectedDevice [1.0.0-12.1.0] |
CBtmConnectedDeviceV13 | BtmConnectedDevice [13.0.0+] |
CBtmDeviceCondition | DeviceCondition [1.0.0-12.1.0] |
CBtmDeviceConditionV100 | DeviceCondition [1.0.0-5.0.2] |
CBtmDeviceConditionV510 | DeviceCondition [5.1.0-7.0.1] |
CBtmDeviceConditionV800 | DeviceCondition [8.0.0-8.1.1] |
CBtmDeviceConditionV900 | DeviceCondition [9.0.0-12.1.0] |
CBtmDeviceInfo | DeviceInfo [1.0.0-13.0.0] |
CBtmDeviceInfoList | DeviceInfoList |
CBtmDeviceInfoV1 | DeviceInfo [1.0.0-12.1.0] |
CBtmDeviceInfoV13 | DeviceInfo [13.0.0+] |
CBtmDeviceProperty | DeviceProperty |
CBtmDevicePropertyList | DevicePropertyList |
CBtmDeviceSlotMode | DeviceSlotMode |
CBtmDeviceSlotModeList | DeviceSlotModeList |
CBtmGattCharacteristic | GattCharacteristic |
CBtmGattClientConditionList | GattClientConditionList |
CBtmGattDescriptor | GattDescriptor |
CBtmGattService | GattService |
CBtmHidDeviceInfo | HidDeviceInfo |
CBtmHostDeviceProperty | HostDeviceProperty |
CBtmLinkKey | LinkKey |
CBtmZeroRetransmissionList | ZeroRetransmissionList |
CCapsAlbumCache | AlbumCache |
CCapsAlbumContentsUsage | |
CCapsAlbumEntry | AlbumEntry |
CCapsAlbumFileDateTime | AlbumFileDateTime. This corresponds to each field in the Album entry filename, prior to the "-": "YYYYMMDDHHMMSSII" |
CCapsAlbumFileId | AlbumEntryId |
CCapsAlbumUsage16 | |
CCapsAlbumUsage2 | |
CCapsAlbumUsage3 | |
CCapsApplicationAlbumEntry | ApplicationAlbumEntry |
CCapsApplicationAlbumFileEntry | ApplicationAlbumFileEntry |
CCapsApplicationData | ApplicationData |
CCapsApplicationId | |
CCapsLoadAlbumScreenShotImageOutput | LoadAlbumScreenShotImageOutput |
CCapsLoadAlbumScreenShotImageOutputForApplication | LoadAlbumScreenShotImageOutputForApplication |
CCapsScreenShotAttribute | ScreenShotAttribute |
CCapsScreenShotAttributeForApplication | ScreenShotAttributeForApplication. Only unk_x0 is used by official sw |
CCapsScreenShotDecodeOption | ScreenShotDecodeOption |
CCapsUserIdList | UserIdList |
CClkrstSession | |
CCmifDomainInHeader | |
CCmifDomainOutHeader | |
CCmifInHeader | |
CCmifOutHeader | |
CCmifRequest | |
CCmifRequestFormat | |
CCmifResponse | |
CConfigEntry | Structure representing an entry in the homebrew environment configuration |
CConsoleFont | A font struct for the console |
CConsoleRenderer | Renderer interface for the console |
CCpuRegister | Armv8 CPU register |
CErrorApplicationArg | ApplicationErrorArg |
CErrorApplicationConfig | Error application config |
CErrorCode | Stores error-codes which are displayed as XXXX-XXXX, low for the former and desc for the latter |
CErrorCommonArg | Common error arg data |
CErrorCommonHeader | Common header for the start of the arg storage |
CErrorContext | Error context |
CErrorEulaArg | Error arg data for EULA |
CErrorEulaData | Additional input storage data for errorSystemUpdateEulaShow |
CErrorPctlArg | Error arg data for certain errors with module PCTL |
CErrorRecordArg | Error arg data for Record |
CErrorResultBacktrace | ResultBacktrace |
CErrorSystemArg | SystemErrorArg |
CErrorSystemConfig | Error system config |
CEvent | Kernel-mode event structure |
CFanController | |
CFatalAarch32Context | Struct for fatal Cpu context, 32-bit |
CFatalAarch64Context | Struct for fatal Cpu context, 64-bit |
CFatalCpuContext | |
CFatFatError | FatFatError |
CFatFatReportInfo1 | FatFatReportInfo1 |
CFatFatReportInfo2 | FatFatReportInfo2 |
CFatFatSafeInfo | FatFatSafeInfo |
CFinalOutputRecorderBuffer | |
CFinalOutputRecorderParameter | |
CFinalOutputRecorderParameterInternal | |
CFpuRegister | Armv8 NEON register |
CFramebuffer | Framebuffer structure |
CFriendsFriendInvitationGameModeDescription | FriendInvitationGameModeDescription |
CFriendsFriendInvitationGroupId | FriendInvitationGroupId |
CFriendsFriendInvitationId | FriendInvitationId |
CFriendsInAppScreenName | InAppScreenName |
CFriendsLaArg | Arg struct pushed for the applet input storage, for [9.0.0+] |
CFriendsLaArgCommonData | Common data for the arg struct, for the pre-9.0.0 types |
CFriendsLaArgHeader | Header for the arg struct |
CFriendsLaArgV1 | Arg struct pushed for the applet input storage, for pre-9.0.0 |
CFriendsUserSetting | FriendsUserSetting |
CFsArchiveMacKey | This is nn::fssystem::ArchiveMacKey. Used by setsysGetThemeKey and setsysSetThemeKey. Does not appear to be in use elsewhere |
CFsCodeInfo | |
Cfsdev_dir_t | Open directory struct |
CFsDeviceOperator | |
CFsDir | |
CFsDirectoryEntry | Directory entry |
CFsEventNotifier | |
CFsFile | |
CFsFileSystem | |
CFsFileSystemAttribute | FileSystemAttribute |
CFsFileSystemProxyErrorInfo | FsFileSystemProxyErrorInfo |
CFsGameCardErrorReportInfo | FsGameCardErrorReportInfo |
CFsGameCardHandle | |
CFsGameCardUpdatePartitionInfo | |
CFsMemoryReportInfo | FsMemoryReportInfo |
CFsRangeInfo | |
CFsRightsId | |
CFsSaveDataAttribute | SaveDataAttribute |
CFsSaveDataCreationInfo | SaveDataCreationInfo |
CFsSaveDataExtraData | SaveDataExtraData |
CFsSaveDataFilter | SaveDataFilter |
CFsSaveDataInfo | SaveDataInfo |
CFsSaveDataInfoReader | |
CFsSaveDataMetaInfo | SaveDataMetaInfo |
CFsStorage | |
CFsStorageErrorInfo | FsStorageErrorInfo |
CFsTimeStampRaw | |
CGpioPadSession | |
CGrcGameMovieId | GameMovieId |
CGrcGameMovieTrimmer | GameMovieTrimmer |
CGrcMovieMaker | IMovieMaker |
CGrcOffscreenRecordingParameter | OffscreenRecordingParameter |
CHidAnalogStickCalibrationStateImpl | HidAnalogStickCalibrationStateImpl |
CHidAnalogStickCalibrationStateImplAtomicStorage | HidAnalogStickCalibrationStateImplAtomicStorage |
CHidAnalogStickCalibrationStateImplLifo | HidAnalogStickCalibrationStateImplLifo |
CHidAnalogStickState | HidAnalogStickState |
CHidBasicXpadLifo | HidBasicXpadLifo |
CHidBasicXpadSharedMemoryEntry | HidBasicXpadSharedMemoryEntry |
CHidBasicXpadSharedMemoryFormat | HidBasicXpadSharedMemoryFormat |
CHidBasicXpadState | HidBasicXpadState |
CHidBasicXpadStateAtomicStorage | HidBasicXpadStateAtomicStorage |
CHidbusBusHandle | BusHandle |
CHidbusDataAccessorHeader | HidbusDataAccessorHeader |
CHidbusJoyButtonOnlyPollingDataAccessor | HidbusJoyButtonOnlyPollingDataAccessor |
CHidbusJoyButtonOnlyPollingDataAccessorEntry | HidbusJoyButtonOnlyPollingDataAccessorEntry |
CHidbusJoyButtonOnlyPollingDataAccessorEntryData | HidbusJoyButtonOnlyPollingDataAccessorEntryData |
CHidbusJoyDisableSixAxisPollingDataAccessor | HidbusJoyDisableSixAxisPollingDataAccessor |
CHidbusJoyDisableSixAxisPollingDataAccessorEntry | HidbusJoyDisableSixAxisPollingDataAccessorEntry |
CHidbusJoyDisableSixAxisPollingDataAccessorEntryData | HidbusJoyDisableSixAxisPollingDataAccessorEntryData |
CHidbusJoyEnableSixAxisPollingDataAccessor | HidbusJoyEnableSixAxisPollingDataAccessor |
CHidbusJoyEnableSixAxisPollingDataAccessorEntry | HidbusJoyEnableSixAxisPollingDataAccessorEntry |
CHidbusJoyEnableSixAxisPollingDataAccessorEntryData | HidbusJoyEnableSixAxisPollingDataAccessorEntryData |
CHidbusJoyPollingReceivedData | JoyPollingReceivedData |
CHidbusStatusManager | StatusManager |
CHidbusStatusManagerEntry | HidbusStatusManagerEntry |
CHidbusStatusManagerEntryCommon | Common data for HidbusStatusManagerEntry* |
CHidbusStatusManagerEntryV5 | HidbusStatusManagerEntry on 5.x |
CHidbusStatusManagerV5 | StatusManager on 5.x |
CHidCaptureButtonLifo | HidCaptureButtonLifo |
CHidCaptureButtonSharedMemoryFormat | HidCaptureButtonSharedMemoryFormat |
CHidCaptureButtonState | HidCaptureButtonState |
CHidCaptureButtonStateAtomicStorage | HidCaptureButtonStateAtomicStorage |
CHidcfgAnalogStickAssignment | AnalogStickAssignment |
CHidcfgButtonConfigEmbedded | ButtonConfigEmbedded |
CHidcfgButtonConfigFull | ButtonConfigFull |
CHidcfgButtonConfigLeft | ButtonConfigLeft |
CHidcfgButtonConfigRight | ButtonConfigRight |
CHidcfgStorageName | StorageName |
CHidCommonLifoHeader | HidCommonLifoHeader |
CHidConsoleSixAxisSensor | HidConsoleSixAxisSensor |
CHiddbgAbstractedPadHandle | AbstractedPadHandle |
CHiddbgAbstractedPadState | AbstractedPadState |
CHiddbgDebugPadAutoPilotState | State for overriding HidDebugPadState |
CHiddbgHdlsDeviceInfo | HdlsDeviceInfo, for [9.0.0+]. Converted to/from HiddbgHdlsDeviceInfoV7 on prior sysvers |
CHiddbgHdlsDeviceInfoV7 | HdlsDeviceInfo, for [7.0.0-8.1.0] |
CHiddbgHdlsHandle | HdlsHandle |
CHiddbgHdlsNpadAssignment | HdlsNpadAssignment. Same controllers as HiddbgHdlsStateList, with different entry data |
CHiddbgHdlsNpadAssignmentEntry | HdlsNpadAssignmentEntry |
CHiddbgHdlsSessionId | HdlsSessionId, returned by hiddbgAttachHdlsWorkBuffer |
CHiddbgHdlsState | HdlsState, for [12.0.0+] |
CHiddbgHdlsStateList | HdlsStateList, for [12.0.0+] |
CHiddbgHdlsStateListEntry | HdlsStateListEntry, for [12.0.0+] |
CHiddbgHdlsStateListEntryV7 | HdlsStateListEntryV7, for [7.0.0-8.1.0] |
CHiddbgHdlsStateListEntryV9 | HdlsStateListEntry, for [9.0.0-11.0.1] |
CHiddbgHdlsStateListV7 | HdlsStateListV7, for [7.0.0-8.1.0]. This contains a list of all controllers, including non-virtual controllers |
CHiddbgHdlsStateListV9 | HdlsStateList, for [9.0.0-11.0.1] |
CHiddbgHdlsStateV7 | HdlsState, for [7.0.0-8.1.0] |
CHiddbgHdlsStateV9 | HdlsState, for [9.0.0-11.0.1] |
CHiddbgKeyboardAutoPilotState | State for overriding HidKeyboardState |
CHiddbgMouseAutoPilotState | State for overriding HidMouseState |
CHiddbgSleepButtonAutoPilotState | State for overriding SleepButtonState |
CHidDebugPadLifo | HidDebugPadLifo |
CHidDebugPadSharedMemoryFormat | HidDebugPadSharedMemoryFormat |
CHidDebugPadState | HidDebugPadState |
CHidDebugPadStateAtomicStorage | HidDebugPadStateAtomicStorage |
CHidDigitizerLifo | HidDigitizerLifo |
CHidDigitizerSharedMemoryFormat | HidDigitizerSharedMemoryFormat |
CHidDigitizerState | HidDigitizerState |
CHidDigitizerStateAtomicStorage | HidDigitizerStateAtomicStorage |
CHidDirectionState | HidDirectionState |
CHidGestureDummyStateAtomicStorage | HidGestureDummyStateAtomicStorage |
CHidGestureLifo | HidGestureLifo |
CHidGesturePoint | HidGesturePoint |
CHidGestureSharedMemoryFormat | HidGestureSharedMemoryFormat |
CHidGestureState | HidGestureState |
CHidHomeButtonLifo | HidHomeButtonLifo |
CHidHomeButtonSharedMemoryFormat | HidHomeButtonSharedMemoryFormat |
CHidHomeButtonState | HidHomeButtonState |
CHidHomeButtonStateAtomicStorage | HidHomeButtonStateAtomicStorage |
CHidInputDetectorLifo | HidInputDetectorLifo |
CHidInputDetectorSharedMemoryEntry | HidInputDetectorSharedMemoryEntry |
CHidInputDetectorSharedMemoryFormat | HidInputDetectorSharedMemoryFormat |
CHidInputDetectorState | HidInputDetectorState |
CHidInputDetectorStateAtomicStorage | HidInputDetectorStateAtomicStorage |
CHidKeyboardLifo | HidKeyboardLifo |
CHidKeyboardSharedMemoryFormat | HidKeyboardSharedMemoryFormat |
CHidKeyboardState | HidKeyboardState |
CHidKeyboardStateAtomicStorage | HidKeyboardStateAtomicStorage |
CHidLaControllerFirmwareUpdateArg | ControllerFirmwareUpdateArg |
CHidLaControllerKeyRemappingArg | ControllerKeyRemappingArg |
CHidLaControllerSupportArg | ControllerSupportArg for [8.0.0+], converted to HidLaControllerSupportArgV3 on pre-8.0.0 |
CHidLaControllerSupportArgColor | Identification color used by HidLaControllerSupportArg*. When HidLaControllerSupportArgHeader::enable_identification_color is set this controls the color of the UI player box outline |
CHidLaControllerSupportArgHeader | Common header used by HidLaControllerSupportArg* |
CHidLaControllerSupportArgPrivate | ControllerSupportArgPrivate |
CHidLaControllerSupportArgV3 | ControllerSupportArg for [1.0.0+] |
CHidLaControllerSupportResultInfo | ControllerSupportResultInfo. First 8-bytes from the applet output storage |
CHidLaControllerSupportResultInfoInternal | Struct for the applet output storage |
CHidMouseLifo | HidMouseLifo |
CHidMouseSharedMemoryFormat | HidMouseSharedMemoryFormat |
CHidMouseState | HidMouseState |
CHidMouseStateAtomicStorage | HidMouseStateAtomicStorage |
CHidNfcXcdDeviceHandleState | HidNfcXcdDeviceHandleState |
CHidNfcXcdDeviceHandleStateImpl | HidNfcXcdDeviceHandleStateImpl |
CHidNfcXcdDeviceHandleStateImplAtomicStorage | HidNfcXcdDeviceHandleStateImplAtomicStorage |
CHidNpadCommonLifo | HidNpadCommonLifo |
CHidNpadCommonState | HidNpadCommonState |
CHidNpadCommonStateAtomicStorage | HidNpadCommonStateAtomicStorage |
CHidNpadControllerColor | Npad colors |
CHidNpadFullKeyColorState | HidNpadFullKeyColorState |
CHidNpadGcState | State for HidNpadStyleTag_NpadGc. Loaded from the same lifo as HidNpadFullKeyState, with the additional trigger_l/trigger_r loaded from elsewhere |
CHidNpadGcTriggerLifo | HidNpadGcTriggerLifo |
CHidNpadGcTriggerState | HidNpadGcTriggerState |
CHidNpadGcTriggerStateAtomicStorage | HidNpadGcTriggerStateAtomicStorage |
CHidNpadHandheldLarkState | State for HidNpadStyleTag_NpadHandheldLark. The base state is loaded from the same lifo as HidNpadHandheldState |
CHidNpadInternalState | HidNpadInternalState |
CHidNpadJoyColorState | HidNpadJoyColorState |
CHidNpadLarkState | State for HidNpadStyleTag_NpadLark. The base state is loaded from the same lifo as HidNpadFullKeyState |
CHidNpadLuciaState | State for HidNpadStyleTag_NpadLucia. The base state is loaded from the same lifo as HidNpadFullKeyState |
CHidNpadSharedMemoryEntry | HidNpadSharedMemoryEntry |
CHidNpadSharedMemoryFormat | HidNpadSharedMemoryFormat |
CHidNpadSixAxisSensorLifo | HidNpadSixAxisSensorLifo |
CHidNpadSystemButtonProperties | NpadSystemButtonProperties |
CHidNpadSystemProperties | NpadSystemProperties |
CHidPalmaActivityEntry | PalmaActivityEntry |
CHidPalmaApplicationSectionAccessBuffer | PalmaApplicationSectionAccessBuffer |
CHidPalmaConnectionHandle | PalmaConnectionHandle |
CHidPalmaOperationInfo | PalmaOperationInfo |
CHidPowerInfo | HidPowerInfo (system) |
CHidSevenSixAxisSensorState | HidSevenSixAxisSensorState |
CHidSevenSixAxisSensorStateEntry | HidSevenSixAxisSensorStateEntry |
CHidSevenSixAxisSensorStates | HidSevenSixAxisSensorStates |
CHidSharedMemory | HidSharedMemory |
CHidSixAxisSensorHandle | HidSixAxisSensorHandle |
CHidSixAxisSensorState | HidSixAxisSensorState |
CHidSixAxisSensorStateAtomicStorage | HidSixAxisSensorStateAtomicStorage |
CHidSixAxisSensorUserCalibrationState | HidSixAxisSensorUserCalibrationState |
CHidSixAxisSensorUserCalibrationStateAtomicStorage | HidSixAxisSensorUserCalibrationStateAtomicStorage |
CHidSixAxisSensorUserCalibrationStateLifo | HidSixAxisSensorUserCalibrationStateLifo |
CHidSleepButtonLifo | HidSleepButtonLifo |
CHidSleepButtonSharedMemoryFormat | HidSleepButtonSharedMemoryFormat |
CHidSleepButtonState | HidSleepButtonState |
CHidSleepButtonStateAtomicStorage | HidSleepButtonStateAtomicStorage |
CHidsysButtonConfigEmbedded | ButtonConfigEmbedded |
CHidsysButtonConfigFull | ButtonConfigFull |
CHidsysButtonConfigLeft | ButtonConfigLeft |
CHidsysButtonConfigRight | ButtonConfigRight |
CHidsysNotificationLedPattern | Structure for hidsysSetNotificationLedPattern |
CHidsysNotificationLedPatternCycle | Mini Cycle struct for HidsysNotificationLedPattern |
CHidsysUniquePadId | UniquePadId for a controller |
CHidsysUniquePadSerialNumber | UniquePadSerialNumber |
CHidTouchScreenConfigurationForNx | HidTouchScreenConfigurationForNx |
CHidTouchScreenLifo | HidTouchScreenLifo |
CHidTouchScreenSharedMemoryFormat | HidTouchScreenSharedMemoryFormat |
CHidTouchScreenState | HidTouchScreenState |
CHidTouchScreenStateAtomicStorage | HidTouchScreenStateAtomicStorage |
CHidTouchState | HidTouchState |
CHidUniquePadConfig | HidUniquePadConfig |
CHidUniquePadConfigAtomicStorage | HidUniquePadConfigAtomicStorage |
CHidUniquePadConfigLifo | HidUniquePadConfigLifo |
CHidUniquePadConfigMutex | HidUniquePadConfigMutex |
CHidUniquePadLifo | HidUniquePadLifo |
CHidUniquePadSharedMemoryEntry | HidUniquePadSharedMemoryEntry |
CHidUniquePadSharedMemoryFormat | HidUniquePadSharedMemoryFormat |
CHidVector | HidVector |
CHidVibrationDeviceHandle | HidVibrationDeviceHandle |
CHidVibrationDeviceInfo | HidVibrationDeviceInfo |
CHidVibrationValue | HidVibrationValue |
CHipcBufferDescriptor | |
CHipcHeader | |
CHipcMetadata | |
CHipcParsedRequest | |
CHipcRecvListEntry | |
CHipcRequest | |
CHipcResponse | |
CHipcSpecialHeader | |
CHipcStaticDescriptor | |
CHmacSha1Context | Context for HMAC-SHA1 operations |
CHmacSha256Context | Context for HMAC-SHA256 operations |
CHtcsFdSet | |
CHtcsPeerName | |
CHtcsPortName | |
CHtcsSockAddr | |
CHtcsSocket | |
CHtcsTimeVal | |
CHwopusDecoder | |
CHwopusHeader | This structure is the start of opusin for hwopusDecodeInterleaved, with the actual opus packet following this |
CHwopusMultistreamState | Used internally |
CI2cSession | |
CIrsAdaptiveClusteringProcessorConfig | AdaptiveClusteringProcessorConfig |
CIrsAruidFormat | AruidFormat |
CIrsClusteringData | ClusteringData |
CIrsClusteringProcessorConfig | ClusteringProcessorConfig |
CIrsClusteringProcessorState | ClusteringProcessorState |
CIrsDeviceFormat | DeviceFormat |
CIrsHandAnalysisConfig | HandAnalysisConfig |
CIrsImageTransferProcessorConfig | ImageTransferProcessorConfig |
CIrsImageTransferProcessorExConfig | ImageTransferProcessorExConfig |
CIrsImageTransferProcessorState | ImageTransferProcessorState |
CIrsIrCameraHandle | IrCameraHandle |
CIrsIrLedProcessorConfig | IrLedProcessorConfig |
CIrsMomentProcessorConfig | IrsMomentProcessorConfig |
CIrsMomentProcessorState | MomentProcessorState |
CIrsMomentStatistic | MomentStatistic |
CIrsPackedClusteringProcessorConfig | PackedClusteringProcessorConfig |
CIrsPackedFunctionLevel | PackedFunctionLevel |
CIrsPackedImageTransferProcessorConfig | PackedImageTransferProcessorConfig |
CIrsPackedImageTransferProcessorExConfig | PackedImageTransferProcessorExConfig |
CIrsPackedIrLedProcessorConfig | PackedIrLedProcessorConfig |
CIrsPackedMcuVersion | PackedMcuVersion |
CIrsPackedMomentProcessorConfig | PackedMomentProcessorConfig |
CIrsPackedPointingProcessorConfig | PackedPointingProcessorConfig |
CIrsPackedTeraPluginProcessorConfig | PackedTeraPluginProcessorConfig |
CIrsPointingProcessorMarkerState | PointingProcessorMarkerState |
CIrsPointingProcessorState | PointingProcessorState |
CIrsProcessorState | ProcessorState |
CIrsRect | Rect |
CIrsStatusManager | StatusManager |
CIrsTeraPluginProcessorConfig | TeraPluginProcessorConfig |
CIrsTeraPluginProcessorState | TeraPluginProcessorState |
CJit | JIT buffer object |
CLastThreadContext | Context of a scheduled thread |
CLdnAddressEntry | AddressEntry |
CLdnIpv4Address | Ipv4Address. This is essentially the same as struct in_addr - hence this can be used with standard sockets (byteswap required) |
CLdnMacAddress | MacAddress |
CLdnNetworkConfig | NetworkConfig. The input struct is copied to a tmp struct, which is then used with the cmd (ldnCreateNetwork, ldnCreateNetworkPrivate, ldnConnectPrivate) |
CLdnNetworkInfo | NetworkInfo |
CLdnNodeInfo | NodeInfo |
CLdnNodeLatestUpdate | NodeLatestUpdate |
CLdnScanFilter | ScanFilter. The input struct is copied to a tmp struct, which is then used with the cmd (ldnScan and ldnScanPrivate) |
CLdnSecurityConfig | SecurityConfig |
CLdnSecurityParameter | SecurityParameter. The struct used by ldnCreateNetwork internally is randomly-generated |
CLdnSsid | Ssid |
CLdnSubnetMask | SubnetMask. This is essentially the same as struct in_addr - hence this can be used with standard sockets (byteswap required) |
CLdnUserConfig | UserConfig. The input struct is copied to a tmp struct, which is then used with the cmd |
CLEvent | User-mode light event structure |
CLibAppletArgs | CommonArguments |
CLibAppletInfo | LibraryAppletInfo |
CLoaderModuleInfo | |
CLoaderProgramInfo | |
CLoaderProgramInfoV1 | |
CLp2pGroupId | GroupId |
CLp2pGroupInfo | GroupInfo lp2pScan only uses the following fields for the cmd input struct: supported_platform/priority, frequency/channel, and preshared_key_binary_size/preshared_key |
CLp2pIpConfig | IpConfig. Only contains IPv4 addresses |
CLp2pMacAddress | MacAddress |
CLp2pNodeInfo | NodeInfo |
CLp2pScanResult | ScanResult |
CLrLocationResolver | |
CLrRegisteredLocationResolver | |
CMemoryInfo | Memory information structure |
CMiiCharInfo | |
CMiiCreateId | |
CMiiDatabase | |
CMiiimgImageAttribute | Image attribute |
CMiiimgImageId | Image ID |
CMiiLaAppletInput | AppletInput |
CMiiLaAppletOutput | AppletOutput |
CMiiLaAppletOutputForCharInfoEditing | AppletOutputForCharInfoEditing |
CMiiNfpStoreDataExtension | |
CMmuRequest | |
CNacpApplicationJitConfiguration | ApplicationJitConfiguration |
CNacpApplicationNeighborDetectionGroupConfiguration | ApplicationNeighborDetectionGroupConfiguration |
CNacpLanguageEntry | Language entry. These strings are UTF-8 |
CNacpNeighborDetectionClientConfiguration | NeighborDetectionClientConfiguration |
CNacpStruct | Ns ApplicationControlProperty |
CNativeHandle | |
CNcmAddOnContentMetaExtendedHeader | AddOnContentMetaExtendedHeader [15.0.0+] |
CNcmApplicationContentMetaKey | ApplicationContentMetaKey |
CNcmApplicationMetaExtendedHeader | ApplicationMetaExtendedHeader |
CNcmContentId | ContentId |
CNcmContentInfo | ContentInfo |
CNcmContentMetaDatabase | ContentMetaDatabase |
CNcmContentMetaHeader | ContentMetaHeader |
CNcmContentMetaInfo | ContentMetaInfo |
CNcmContentMetaKey | ContentMetaKey |
CNcmContentStorage | ContentStorage |
CNcmDataPatchMetaExtendedHeader | DataPatchMetaExtendedHeader |
CNcmLegacyAddOnContentMetaExtendedHeader | LegacyAddOnContentMetaExtendedHeader [1.0.0-14.1.2] |
CNcmPackagedContentInfo | PackagedContentInfo |
CNcmPatchMetaExtendedHeader | PatchMetaExtendedHeader |
CNcmPlaceHolderId | PlaceHolderId |
CNcmProgramLocation | ProgramLocation |
CNcmRightsId | RightsId |
CNcmSystemUpdateMetaExtendedHeader | SystemUpdateMetaExtendedHeader |
CNewsDatabaseService | |
CNewsDataService | |
CNewsNewlyArrivedEventHolder | |
CNewsOverwriteEventHolder | |
CNewsRecord | |
CNewsRecordV1 | |
CNewsTopicName | |
CNfcDeviceHandle | Nfc/Nfp DeviceHandle |
CNfcMifareReadBlockData | |
CNfcMifareReadBlockParameter | |
CNfcMifareWriteBlockParameter | |
CNfcRequiredMcuVersionData | |
CNfcSectorKey | |
CNfcTagInfo | |
CNfpAdminInfo | |
CNfpCommonInfo | |
CNfpData | |
CNfpLaAmiiboSettingsStartParam | AmiiboSettingsStartParam |
CNfpLaReturnValueForAmiiboSettings | ReturnValueForAmiiboSettings |
CNfpLaStartParamForAmiiboSettings | StartParamForAmiiboSettings |
CNfpModelInfo | |
CNfpRegisterInfo | |
CNfpRegisterInfoPrivate | |
CNfpTagInfo | |
CNifmClientId | ClientId |
CNifmDnsSetting | DnsSetting |
CNifmIpAddressSetting | IpAddressSetting |
CNifmIpSettingData | IpSettingData |
CNifmIpV4Address | IpV4Address |
CNifmNetworkProfileData | NetworkProfileData. Converted from/to NifmSfNetworkProfileData |
CNifmProxySetting | ProxySetting |
CNifmRequest | Request |
CNifmSfNetworkProfileData | SfNetworkProfileData. Converted to/from NifmNetworkProfileData |
CNifmSfWirelessSettingData | SfWirelessSettingData |
CNifmWirelessSettingData | WirelessSettingData |
CNimSystemUpdateTaskId | SystemUpdateTaskId |
CNotifAlarmSetting | AlarmSetting |
CNotifAlarmTime | Data extracted from NotifWeeklyScheduleAlarmSetting::settings. This uses local-time |
CNotifWeeklyScheduleAlarmSetting | WeeklyScheduleAlarmSetting |
CNroAssetHeader | Custom asset header |
CNroAssetSection | Custom asset section |
CNroHeader | This follows NroStart, the actual nro-header |
CNroSegment | Entry for each segment in the codebin |
CNroStart | Offset 0x0 in the NRO |
CNsApplicationContentMetaStatus | NsApplicationContentMetaStatus |
CNsApplicationControlData | ApplicationControlData |
CNsApplicationDeliveryInfo | ApplicationDeliveryInfo |
CNsApplicationOccupiedSize | ApplicationOccupiedSize |
CNsApplicationRecord | ApplicationRecord |
CNsApplicationRightsOnClient | NsApplicationRightsOnClient |
CNsApplicationView | ApplicationView |
CNsApplicationViewDeprecated | ApplicationViewDeprecated. The below comments are for the NsApplicationView to NsApplicationViewDeprecated conversion done by nsGetApplicationViewDeprecated on newer system-versions |
CNsApplicationViewWithPromotionInfo | NsApplicationViewWithPromotionInfo |
CNsDownloadTaskStatus | DownloadTaskStatus |
CNsEulaDataPath | EulaDataPath |
CNsLaunchProperties | LaunchProperties |
CNsProgressAsyncResult | ProgressAsyncResult |
CNsProgressForDeleteUserSaveDataAll | ProgressForDeleteUserSaveDataAll |
CNsProgressMonitorForDeleteUserSaveDataAll | ProgressMonitorForDeleteUserSaveDataAll |
CNsPromotionInfo | NsPromotionInfo |
CNsRequestServerStopper | RequestServerStopper |
CNsShellEventInfo | ShellEventInfo |
CNsSystemDeliveryInfo | SystemDeliveryInfo |
CNsSystemUpdateControl | SystemUpdateControl |
CNsSystemUpdateProgress | SystemUpdateProgress. Commands which have this as output will return 0 with the output cleared, when no task is available |
CNvAddressSpace | |
CNvChannel | |
CNvError | |
CNvGpuChannel | |
CNvGraphicBuffer | |
Cnvioctl_clk_rate | |
Cnvioctl_cmdbuf | |
Cnvioctl_command_buffer_map | |
Cnvioctl_fence | |
Cnvioctl_gpfifo_entry | |
Cnvioctl_gpu_characteristics | |
Cnvioctl_gpu_time | |
Cnvioctl_reloc | |
Cnvioctl_reloc_shift | |
Cnvioctl_syncpt_incr | |
Cnvioctl_va_region | |
Cnvioctl_zbc_entry | |
Cnvioctl_zbc_slot_mask | |
Cnvioctl_zcull_info | |
CNvMap | |
CNvMultiFence | |
CNvNotification | |
CNvSurface | |
CNWindow | Native window structure |
CPadRepeater | Pad button repeater state object |
CPadState | Pad state object |
CParcel | |
CParcelHeader | |
CPctlAuthArg | Input arg storage for the applet |
CPctlRestrictionSettings | |
CPdmAccountEvent | AccountEvent. AccountEvent for [16.0.0+], converted from the older structs when needed |
CPdmAccountEventV10 | AccountEventV10. AccountEvent for [10.0.0-15.0.1], converted to PdmAccountEvent when needed |
CPdmAccountEventV3 | AccountEventV3. AccountEvent for [3.0.0-9.2.0], converted to PdmAccountEvent when needed |
CPdmAccountPlayEvent | AccountPlayEvent |
CPdmAppletEvent | AppletEvent. AppletEvent for [16.0.0+], converted from PdmAppletEventV1 on [1.0.0-15.0.1] |
CPdmAppletEventV1 | AppletEventV1 |
CPdmApplicationPlayStatistics | ApplicationPlayStatistics |
CPdmLastPlayTime | LastPlayTime |
CPdmPlayEvent | PlayEvent |
CPdmPlayStatistics | PlayStatistics. PlayStatistics for [16.0.0+], converted from PdmPlayStatisticsV1 on [1.0.0-15.0.1] |
CPdmPlayStatisticsV1 | PlayStatisticsV1. PlayStatistics for [1.0.0-15.0.1], converted to PdmPlayStatistics when needed |
CPglContentMetaInfo | |
CPglEventObserver | |
CPhysicalMemoryInfo | Physical memory information structure |
CPlFontData | FontData |
CPmProcessEventInfo | ProcessEventInfo |
CPmResourceLimitValues | ResourceLimitValues |
CPrintConsole | Console structure used to store the state of a console render context |
CPscPmModule | |
CPselUiReturnArg | Return data sent after execution |
CPselUiSettings | UI settings for versions starting with 0x10000 |
CPselUiSettingsV1 | Base UI settings for playerSelect |
CPselUserSelectionSettings | UserSelectionSettings |
CPselUserSelectionSettingsForSystemService | [2.0.0+] UserSelectionSettingsForSystemService |
CPsmSession | IPsmSession |
CRingCon | Ring-Con state object |
CRingConFwVersion | Ring-Con firmware version |
CRingConManuCal | Ring-Con manufacturer calibration |
CRingConPollingData | Polling data extracted from HidbusJoyPollingReceivedData |
CRingConUserCal | Ring-Con user calibration |
Cromfs_dir | RomFS directory |
Cromfs_file | RomFS file |
Cromfs_header | RomFS header |
CRwLock | Read/write lock structure |
CSecmonArgs | Secure monitor arguments |
CSemaphore | Semaphore structure |
CService | Service object structure |
CSessionMgr | |
CSetBatteryLot | BatteryLot |
CSetCalAccelerometerOffset | |
CSetCalAccelerometerScale | |
CSetCalAmiiboEcdsaCertificate | |
CSetCalAmiiboEcqvBlsCertificate | |
CSetCalAmiiboEcqvBlsKey | |
CSetCalAmiiboEcqvBlsRootCertificate | |
CSetCalAmiiboEcqvCertificate | |
CSetCalAmiiboKey | |
CSetCalAnalogStickFactoryCalibration | |
CSetCalAnalogStickModelParameter | |
CSetCalBdAddress | |
CSetCalConfigurationId1 | |
CSetCalConsoleSixAxisSensorHorizontalOffset | |
CSetCalCountryCode | |
CSetCalEccB233DeviceCertificate | |
CSetCalEccB233DeviceKey | |
CSetCalGameCardCertificate | |
CSetCalGameCardKey | |
CSetCalGyroscopeOffset | |
CSetCalGyroscopeScale | |
CSetCalMacAddress | |
CSetCalRegionCode | |
CSetCalRsa2048DeviceCertificate | |
CSetCalRsa2048DeviceKey | |
CSetCalSpeakerParameter | |
CSetCalSslCertificate | |
CSetCalSslKey | |
CSetSysAccountNotificationSettings | AccountNotificationSettings |
CSetSysAccountOnlineStorageSettings | AccountOnlineStorageSettings |
CSetSysAccountSettings | AccountSettings |
CSetSysAllowedSslHosts | AllowedSslHosts |
CSetSysAnalogStickUserCalibration | AnalogStickUserCalibration |
CSetSysAudioVolume | |
CSetSysBacklightSettings | BacklightSettings |
CSetSysBacklightSettingsEx | BacklightSettingsEx |
CSetSysBlePairingSettings | BlePairingSettings |
CSetSysBluetoothDevicesSettings | BluetoothDevicesSettings |
CSetSysButtonConfigRegisteredSettings | ButtonConfigRegisteredSettings |
CSetSysButtonConfigSettings | ButtonConfigSettings |
CSetSysColor4u8Type | Actually nn::util::Color4u8Type |
CSetSysConsoleSixAxisSensorAccelerationBias | ConsoleSixAxisSensorAccelerationBias |
CSetSysConsoleSixAxisSensorAccelerationGain | ConsoleSixAxisSensorAccelerationGain |
CSetSysConsoleSixAxisSensorAngularAcceleration | ConsoleSixAxisSensorAngularAcceleration |
CSetSysConsoleSixAxisSensorAngularVelocityBias | ConsoleSixAxisSensorAngularVelocityBias |
CSetSysConsoleSixAxisSensorAngularVelocityGain | ConsoleSixAxisSensorAngularVelocityGain |
CSetSysConsoleSixAxisSensorAngularVelocityTimeBias | ConsoleSixAxisSensorAngularVelocityTimeBias |
CSetSysDataBlock | |
CSetSysDataDeletionSettings | DataDeletionSettings |
CSetSysDeviceNickName | DeviceNickName |
CSetSysEdid | Edid |
CSetSysEulaVersion | EulaVersion |
CSetSysFirmwareVersion | Structure returned by setsysGetFirmwareVersion |
CSetSysFirmwareVersionDigest | Structure returned by setsysGetFirmwareVersionDigest |
CSetSysHomeMenuScheme | Output from setsysGetHomeMenuScheme. This contains RGBA8 colors which correspond with the physical shell of the system |
CSetSysHostFsMountPoint | HostFsMountPoint |
CSetSysInitialLaunchSettings | InitialLaunchSettings |
CSetSysLcdBacklightBrightnessMapping | LcdBacklightBrightnessMapping |
CSetSysModeLine | |
CSetSysNetworkSettings | NetworkSettings |
CSetSysNotificationSettings | NotificationSettings |
CSetSysNotificationTime | NotificationTime |
CSetSysNxControllerLegacySettings | NxControllerLegacySettings |
CSetSysNxControllerSettings | NxControllerSettings |
CSetSysPtmFuelGaugeParameter | PtmFuelGaugeParameter |
CSetSysRebootlessSystemUpdateVersion | RebootlessSystemUpdateVersion. This is the content of the RebootlessSystemUpdateVersion SystemData, in the "/version" file |
CSetSysSerialNumber | Structure returned by setsysGetSerialNumber |
CSetSysSleepSettings | SleepSettings |
CSetSysThemeId | ThemeId |
CSetSysThemeSettings | ThemeSettings |
CSetSysTvSettings | TvSettings |
CSetSysUserSelectorSettings | UserSelectorSettings |
CSfBuffer | |
CSfBufferAttrs | |
CSfDispatchParams | |
CSfOutHandleAttrs | |
CSha1Context | Context for SHA1 operations |
CSha256Context | Context for SHA256 operations |
CSharedMemory | Shared memory information structure |
CSmServiceName | Structure representing a service name (null terminated, remaining characters set to zero) |
CSocketInitConfig | Configuration structure for socketInitalize |
CSslBuiltInCertificateInfo | BuiltInCertificateInfo |
CSslCipherInfo | CipherInfo |
CSslConnection | SslConnection |
CSslContext | SslContext |
CSslKeyAndCertParams | KeyAndCertParams |
CSslServerCertDetailEntry | SslServerCertDetailEntry |
CSslServerCertDetailHeader | SslServerCertDetailHeader |
CSwkbdAppearArg | |
CSwkbdArgCommon | Base swkbd arg struct |
CSwkbdArgV0 | |
CSwkbdArgV7 | Arg struct for version 0x30007+ |
CSwkbdArgVB | Arg struct for version 0x6000B+ |
CSwkbdChangedStringArg | Struct data for SwkbdInline Interactive reply storage ChangedString*, at the end following the string |
CSwkbdConfig | |
CSwkbdCustomizedDictionarySet | |
CSwkbdCustomizeDicInfo | Input data for SwkbdInline request SetCustomizeDic |
CSwkbdDecidedEnterArg | Struct data for SwkbdInline Interactive reply storage DecidedEnter*, at the end following the string |
CSwkbdDictWord | User dictionary word |
CSwkbdInitializeArg | InitializeArg for SwkbdInline |
CSwkbdInline | InlineKeyboard |
CSwkbdInlineCalcArg | |
CSwkbdMovedCursorArg | Struct data for SwkbdInline Interactive reply storage MovedCursor*, at the end following the string |
CSwkbdMovedTabArg | Struct data for SwkbdInline Interactive reply storage MovedTab*, at the end following the string |
CSwkbdRect | Rect |
CThread | Thread information structure |
CThreadContext | Thread context structure (register dump) |
CThreadExceptionDump | Thread exception dump structure |
CThreadExceptionFrameA32 | |
CThreadExceptionFrameA64 | |
CTimeCalendarAdditionalInfo | |
CTimeCalendarTime | |
CTimeLocationName | |
CTimeStandardSteadyClockTimePointType | |
CTimeSteadyClockTimePoint | |
CTimeSystemClockContext | |
CTimeZoneRule | |
CTipcDispatchParams | |
CTipcRequestFormat | |
CTipcService | Tipc Service object structure |
CTransferMemory | Transfer memory information structure |
CTsSession | |
CUartPortSession | PortSession |
CUEvent | User-mode event object |
Cusb_config_descriptor | Imported from libusb, with some adjustments |
Cusb_device_descriptor | Imported from libusb, with some adjustments |
Cusb_endpoint_descriptor | Imported from libusb, with some adjustments |
Cusb_interface_descriptor | Imported from libusb, with some adjustments |
Cusb_ss_endpoint_companion_descriptor | Imported from libusb, with some adjustments |
Cusb_string_descriptor | Imported from libusb, with some adjustments |
CUsbCommsInterfaceInfo | |
CUsbDsDeviceInfo | |
CUsbDsEndpoint | |
CUsbDsInterface | |
CUsbDsReportData | |
CUsbDsReportEntry | |
CUsbHsClientEpSession | |
CUsbHsClientIfSession | The interface service object. These Events have autoclear=false |
CUsbHsInterface | Interface struct. Note that devices have a seperate UsbHsInterface for each interface |
CUsbHsInterfaceFilter | Interface filtering struct |
CUsbHsInterfaceInfo | Descriptors which are not available are set to all-zero |
CUsbHsRingHeader | |
CUsbHsXferReport | |
CUtilFloat3 | |
CUTimer | User-mode timer object |
CUuid | |
CViDisplay | |
CViDisplayName | |
CViLayer | |
CWaitable | |
CWaitableNode | |
CWaiter | Waiter structure, representing any generic waitable synchronization object; both kernel-mode and user-mode |
CWebArgHeader | Header struct at offset 0 in the web Arg storage (non-webWifi) |
CWebArgTLV | Web TLV used in the web Arg storage |
CWebBootFooterButtonEntry | Entry data for WebArgType_BootFooterButton |
CWebCommonConfig | Config struct for web applets, non-WebWifi |
CWebCommonReply | Common container struct for applets' reply data, from the output storage |
CWebCommonReturnValue | Common struct for the applet output storage, for non-TLV-storage |
CWebCommonTLVStorage | TLV storage, starts with WebArgHeader followed by WebArgTLV entries |
CWebSession | WebSession |
CWebSessionMessageHeader | SessionMessageHeader |
CWebSessionStorageHandleQueue | StorageHandleQueue |
CWebWifiConfig | Config for WebWifi |
CWebWifiPageArg | Struct for the WebWifi applet input storage |
CWebWifiReturnValue | Struct for the WebWifi applet output storage |
CXcdDeviceHandle | XcdDeviceHandle |