libnx  v4.7.0
Data Fields
Lp2pGroupInfo Struct Reference

GroupInfo lp2pScan only uses the following fields for the cmd input struct: supported_platform/priority, frequency/channel, and preshared_key_binary_size/preshared_key. More...

#include <lp2p.h>

Data Fields

u8 unk_x0 [0x10]
 When zero, this is set to randomly-generated data. Used during key derivation.
u64 local_communication_id
 LocalCommunicationId. When zero, the value from the user-process control.nacp is loaded. This is later validated by lp2pJoin / lp2pCreateGroup the same way as LdnNetworkConfig::local_communication_id. Used during key derivation.
Lp2pGroupId group_id
 Should be all-zero for the input struct so that the default is used.
char service_name [0x21]
 ServiceName. NUL-terminated string for the SSID. These characters must be '-' or alphanumeric (lowercase/uppercase). '_' must not be used, unless you generate valid data for that. The data for '_' will be automatically generated if it's not present.
s8 flags_count
 Must be <=0x3F.
s8 flags [0x40]
 Array of s8 with the above count. Each entry value must be <=0x3F. Each entry is an array index used to load a set of flags from a global array with the specified index.
u8 supported_platform
 SupportedPlatform. Must match value 1. 0 is PlatformIdNX, 1 is PlatformIdFuji.
s8 member_count_max
 MemberCountMax. Must be <=0x8. If zero during group-creation, a default of value 1 is used for the value passed to a service-cmd.
u8 unk_x82
u8 unk_x83
u16 frequency
 Wifi frequency: 24 = 2.4GHz, 50 = 5GHz.
s16 channel
 Wifi channel number. 0 = use default, otherwise this must be one of the following depending on the frequency field. 24: 1, 6, 11. 50: 36, 40, 44, 48.
u8 network_mode
u8 performance_requirement
u8 security_type
 Security type, used during key derivation. 0 = use defaults, 1 = plaintext, 2 = encrypted. [11.0.0+] 3: Standard WPA2-PSK.
s8 static_aes_key_index
 StaticAesKeyIndex. Used as the array-index for selecting the KeySource used with GenerateAesKek during key derivation. Should be 1-2, otherwise GenerateAesKek is skipped and zeros are used for the AccessKey instead.
u8 unk_x8C
u8 priority
 Priority. Must match one of the following, depending on the used service (doesn't apply to lp2pJoin): 55 = SystemPriority (lp2p:sys), 90 = ApplicationPriority (lp2p:app and lp2p:sys).
u8 stealth_enabled
 StealthEnabled. Bool flag, controls whether the SSID is hidden.
u8 unk_x8F
 If zero, a default value of 0x20 is used.
u8 unk_x90 [0x130]
u8 preshared_key_binary_size
u8 preshared_key [0x3F]
 PresharedKey. Used during key derivation.

Detailed Description

GroupInfo lp2pScan only uses the following fields for the cmd input struct: supported_platform/priority, frequency/channel, and preshared_key_binary_size/preshared_key.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: