libnx  v4.6.0
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /**
2  * @file pdm.h
3  * @brief PDM (pdm:*) service IPC wrapper.
4  * @author yellows8
5  * @copyright libnx Authors
6  */
7 #pragma once
8 #include "../types.h"
9 #include "../sf/service.h"
10 #include "../services/acc.h"
11 #include "../kernel/event.h"
13 /// PlayEventType
14 typedef enum {
15  PdmPlayEventType_Applet = 0, ///< Applet
16  PdmPlayEventType_Account = 1, ///< Account
17  PdmPlayEventType_PowerStateChange = 2, ///< PowerStateChange
18  PdmPlayEventType_OperationModeChange = 3, ///< OperationModeChange
19  PdmPlayEventType_Initialize = 4, ///< Initialize. Used for the very first PlayEvent entry in the log.
22 /// AppletEventType
23 typedef enum {
24  PdmAppletEventType_Launch = 0, ///< "launch"
25  PdmAppletEventType_Exit = 1, ///< "exit"
26  PdmAppletEventType_InFocus = 2, ///< "in_focus"
27  PdmAppletEventType_OutOfFocus = 3, ///< "out_of_focus"
28  PdmAppletEventType_OutOfFocus4 = 4, ///< "out_of_focus"
29  PdmAppletEventType_Exit5 = 5, ///< "exit"
30  PdmAppletEventType_Exit6 = 6, ///< "exit"
33 /// PlayLogPolicy
34 typedef enum {
35  PdmPlayLogPolicy_All = 0, ///< All pdm:qry commands which require ::PdmPlayEventType_Applet and AppletId = Application will only return the entry when PlayLogPolicy matches this value.
36  PdmPlayLogPolicy_LogOnly = 1, ///< The above commands will filter out the entry with this.
37  PdmPlayLogPolicy_None = 2, ///< The pdm:ntfy commands which handle ::PdmPlayEventType_Applet logging will immediately return 0 when the input param matches this value.
38  PdmPlayLogPolicy_Unknown3 = 3, ///< [10.0.0+] The cmds which require ::PdmPlayLogPolicy_All, now also allow value 3 if the cmd input flag is set.
41 /// AppletEventV1. AppletEvent for [1.0.0-15.0.1], converted to \ref PdmAppletEvent when needed.
42 /// Timestamp format, converted from PosixTime: total minutes since epoch UTC 1999/12/31 00:00:00.
43 /// See \ref pdmPlayTimestampToPosix.
44 typedef struct {
45  u64 program_id; ///< ProgramId.
46  u32 entry_index; ///< Entry index.
47  u32 timestamp_user; ///< See PdmPlayEvent::timestamp_user, with the above timestamp format.
48  u32 timestamp_network; ///< See PdmPlayEvent::timestamp_network, with the above timestamp format.
49  u8 event_type; ///< \ref PdmAppletEventType
50  u8 pad[3]; ///< Padding.
53 /// AppletEvent. AppletEvent for [16.0.0+], converted from \ref PdmAppletEventV1 on [1.0.0-15.0.1].
54 typedef struct {
55  u64 program_id; ///< ProgramId.
56  u32 entry_index; ///< Entry index.
57  u32 pad; ///< Padding
58  u64 timestamp_user; ///< See PdmPlayEvent::timestamp_user.
59  u64 timestamp_network; ///< See PdmPlayEvent::timestamp_network.
60  u8 event_type; ///< \ref PdmAppletEventType
61  u8 pad2[7]; ///< Padding.
64 /// PlayStatisticsV1. PlayStatistics for [1.0.0-15.0.1], converted to \ref PdmPlayStatistics when needed.
65 typedef struct {
66  u64 program_id; ///< ProgramId.
68  u32 first_entry_index; ///< Entry index for the first time the program was played.
69  u32 first_timestamp_user; ///< See PdmAppletEventV1::timestamp_user. This is for the first time the program was played.
70  u32 first_timestamp_network; ///< See PdmAppletEventV1::timestamp_network. This is for the first time the program was played.
72  u32 last_entry_index; ///< Entry index for the last time the program was played.
73  u32 last_timestamp_user; ///< See PdmAppletEventV1::timestamp_user. This is for the last time the program was played.
74  u32 last_timestamp_network; ///< See PdmAppletEventV1::timestamp_network. This is for the last time the program was played.
76  u32 playtime_minutes; ///< Total play-time in minutes.
77  u32 total_launches; ///< Total times the program was launched.
80 /// PlayStatistics. PlayStatistics for [16.0.0+], converted from \ref PdmPlayStatisticsV1 on [1.0.0-15.0.1].
81 typedef struct {
82  u64 program_id; ///< ProgramId.
84  u32 first_entry_index; ///< Entry index for the first time the program was played.
85  u32 pad; ///< Padding
86  u64 first_timestamp_user; ///< See PdmAppletEvent::timestamp_user. This is for the first time the program was played, in PosixTime.
87  u64 first_timestamp_network; ///< See PdmAppletEvent::timestamp_network. This is for the first time the program was played, in PosixTime.
89  u32 last_entry_index; ///< Entry index for the last time the program was played.
90  u32 pad2; ///< Padding
91  u64 last_timestamp_user; ///< See PdmAppletEvent::timestamp_user. This is for the last time the program was played, in PosixTime.
92  u64 last_timestamp_network; ///< See PdmAppletEvent::timestamp_network. This is for the last time the program was played, in PosixTime.
94  u64 playtime; ///< Total play-time in nanoseconds.
95  u32 total_launches; ///< Total times the program was launched.
96  u32 pad3; ///< Padding
99 /// LastPlayTime.
100 /// This contains data from the last time the application was played.
101 typedef struct {
102  u64 application_id; ///< ApplicationId.
103  u32 timestamp_user; ///< See PdmAppletEventV1::timestamp_user.
104  u32 timestamp_network; ///< See PdmAppletEventV1::timestamp_network.
105  u32 last_played_minutes; ///< Total minutes since the application was last played.
106  u8 flag; ///< Flag indicating whether the above field is set.
107  u8 pad[3]; ///< Padding.
110 /// PlayEvent.
111 /// This is the raw entry struct directly read from FS, without any entry filtering.
112 typedef struct {
113  union {
114  struct {
115  u32 program_id[2]; ///< ProgramId.
117  union {
118  struct {
119  u32 version; ///< Application version.
120  } application; ///< For AppletId == ::AppletId_application.
122  struct {
123  u8 flag; ///< Set to 0x1 by pdm:ntfy cmd8, indicating that the below field is set to an input param.
124  u8 mode; ///< Input value from pdm:ntfy cmd8, see \ref LibAppletMode.
125  u8 pad[2]; ///< Padding.
126  } applet; ///< For AppletId != ::AppletId_application.
128  u32 data;
129  } unk_x8;
131  u8 applet_id; ///< \ref AppletId
132  u8 storage_id; ///< \ref NcmStorageId
133  u8 log_policy; ///< \ref PdmPlayLogPolicy
134  u8 event_type; ///< \ref PdmAppletEventType
135  u8 unused[0xc]; ///< Unused.
136  } applet;
138  struct {
139  u32 uid[4]; ///< userId.
140  u32 application_id[2]; ///< ApplicationId, see below.
141  u8 type; ///< 0-1 to be listed by \ref pdmqryQueryAccountEvent, or 2 to include the above ApplicationId.
142  } account;
144  struct {
145  u8 value; ///< Input value from the pdm:ntfy command.
146  u8 unused[0x1b]; ///< Unused.
147  } power_state_change;
149  struct {
150  u8 value; ///< Input value from the pdm:ntfy command.
151  u8 unused[0x1b]; ///< Unused.
152  } operation_mode_change;
154  u8 data[0x1c];
155  } event_data; ///< ProgramId/ApplicationId/userId stored within here have the u32 low/high swapped in each u64.
157  u8 play_event_type; ///< \ref PdmPlayEventType. Controls which struct in the above event_data is used. ::PdmPlayEventType_Initialize doesn't use event_data.
158  u8 pad[3]; ///< Padding.
160  u64 timestamp_user; ///< PosixTime timestamp from StandardUserSystemClock.
161  u64 timestamp_network; ///< PosixTime timestamp from StandardNetworkSystemClock.
162  u64 timestamp_steady; ///< Timestamp in seconds derived from StandardSteadyClock.
163 } PdmPlayEvent;
165 /// AccountEventV3. AccountEvent for [3.0.0-9.2.0], converted to \ref PdmAccountEvent when needed.
166 typedef struct {
167  AccountUid uid; ///< \ref AccountUid
168  u32 entry_index; ///< Entry index.
169  u8 pad[4]; ///< Padding.
170  u64 timestamp_user; ///< See PdmPlayEvent::timestamp_user.
171  u64 timestamp_network; ///< See PdmPlayEvent::timestamp_network.
172  u64 timestamp_steady; ///< See PdmPlayEvent::timestamp_steady.
173  u8 type; ///< See PdmPlayEvent::event_data::account::type.
174  u8 pad2[7]; ///< Padding.
177 /// AccountEventV10. AccountEvent for [10.0.0-15.0.1], converted to \ref PdmAccountEvent when needed.
178 typedef struct {
179  AccountUid uid; ///< \ref AccountUid
180  u64 program_id; ///< ProgramId
181  u32 entry_index; ///< Entry index.
182  u8 pad[4]; ///< Padding.
183  u64 timestamp_user; ///< See PdmPlayEvent::timestamp_user.
184  u64 timestamp_network; ///< See PdmPlayEvent::timestamp_network.
185  u64 timestamp_steady; ///< See PdmPlayEvent::timestamp_steady.
186  u8 type; ///< See PdmPlayEvent::event_data::account::type.
187  u8 pad2[7]; ///< Padding.
190 /// AccountEvent. AccountEvent for [16.0.0+], converted from the older structs when needed.
191 typedef struct {
192  AccountUid uid; ///< \ref AccountUid
193  u64 program_id; ///< [10.0.0+] ProgramId
194  u32 entry_index; ///< Entry index.
195  u8 pad[4]; ///< Padding.
196  u64 timestamp_user; ///< See PdmPlayEvent::timestamp_user.
197  u64 timestamp_network; ///< See PdmPlayEvent::timestamp_network.
198  u8 type; ///< See PdmPlayEvent::event_data::account::type.
199  u8 pad2[7]; ///< Padding.
202 /// AccountPlayEvent.
203 /// This is the raw entry struct directly read from FS, without any entry filtering. This is separate from \ref PdmPlayEvent.
204 typedef struct {
205  u8 unk_x0[4]; ///< Unknown.
206  u32 application_id[2]; ///< ApplicationId, with the u32 low/high words swapped.
207  u8 unk_xc[0xc]; ///< Unknown.
208  u64 timestamp0; ///< POSIX timestamp.
209  u64 timestamp1; ///< POSIX timestamp.
212 /// ApplicationPlayStatistics
213 typedef struct {
214  u64 application_id; ///< ApplicationId.
215  u64 playtime; ///< Total play-time in nanoseconds.
216  u64 total_launches; ///< Total times the application was launched.
219 /// Initialize pdm:qry.
222 /// Exit pdm:qry.
223 void pdmqryExit(void);
225 /// Gets the Service object for the actual pdm:qry service session.
228 /**
229  * @brief Gets a list of \ref PdmAppletEvent.
230  * @param[in] entry_index Start entry index.
231  * @param[in] flag [10.0.0+] Whether to additionally allow using entries with ::PdmPlayLogPolicy_Unknown3.
232  * @param[out] events Output \ref PdmAppletEvent array.
233  * @param[in] count Max entries in the output array.
234  * @param[out] total_out Total output entries.
235  */
236 Result pdmqryQueryAppletEvent(s32 entry_index, bool flag, PdmAppletEvent *events, s32 count, s32 *total_out);
238 /**
239  * @brief Gets \ref PdmPlayStatistics for the specified ApplicationId.
240  * @param[in] application_id ApplicationId
241  * @param[in] flag [10.0.0+] Whether to additionally allow using entries with ::PdmPlayLogPolicy_Unknown3.
242  * @param[out] stats \ref PdmPlayStatistics
243  */
246 /**
247  * @brief Gets \ref PdmPlayStatistics for the specified ApplicationId and account userId.
248  * @param[in] application_id ApplicationId
249  * @param[in] uid \ref AccountUid
250  * @param[in] flag [10.0.0+] Whether to additionally allow using entries with ::PdmPlayLogPolicy_Unknown3.
251  * @param[out] stats \ref PdmPlayStatistics
252  */
255 /**
256  * @brief Gets \ref PdmLastPlayTime for the specified applications.
257  * @param[in] flag [10.0.0+] Whether to additionally allow using entries with ::PdmPlayLogPolicy_Unknown3.
258  * @param[out] playtimes Output \ref PdmLastPlayTime array.
259  * @param[in] application_ids Input ApplicationIds array.
260  * @param[in] count Total entries in the input/output arrays.
261  * @param[out] total_out Total output entries.
262  */
263 Result pdmqryQueryLastPlayTime(bool flag, PdmLastPlayTime *playtimes, const u64 *application_ids, s32 count, s32 *total_out);
265 /**
266  * @brief Gets a list of \ref PdmPlayEvent.
267  * @param[in] entry_index Start entry index.
268  * @param[out] events Output \ref PdmPlayEvent array.
269  * @param[in] count Max entries in the output array.
270  * @param[out] total_out Total output entries.
271  */
272 Result pdmqryQueryPlayEvent(s32 entry_index, PdmPlayEvent *events, s32 count, s32 *total_out);
274 /**
275  * @brief Gets range fields which can then be used with the other pdmqry funcs, except for \ref pdmqryQueryAccountPlayEvent.
276  * @param[out] total_entries Total entries.
277  * @param[out] start_entry_index Start entry index.
278  * @param[out] end_entry_index End entry index.
279  */
280 Result pdmqryGetAvailablePlayEventRange(s32 *total_entries, s32 *start_entry_index, s32 *end_entry_index);
282 /**
283  * @brief Gets a list of \ref PdmAccountEvent.
284  * @note Only available with [3.0.0+].
285  * @param[in] entry_index Start entry index.
286  * @param[out] events Output \ref PdmAccountEvent array.
287  * @param[in] count Max entries in the output array.
288  * @param[out] total_out Total output entries.
289  */
290 Result pdmqryQueryAccountEvent(s32 entry_index, PdmAccountEvent *events, s32 count, s32 *total_out);
292 /**
293  * @brief Gets a list of \ref PdmAccountPlayEvent.
294  * @note Only available with [4.0.0+].
295  * @param[in] entry_index Start entry index.
296  * @param[in] uid \ref AccountUid
297  * @param[out] events Output \ref PdmAccountPlayEvent array.
298  * @param[in] count Max entries in the output array.
299  * @param[out] total_out Total output entries.
300  */
301 Result pdmqryQueryAccountPlayEvent(s32 entry_index, AccountUid uid, PdmAccountPlayEvent *events, s32 count, s32 *total_out);
303 /**
304  * @brief Gets range fields which can then be used with \ref pdmqryQueryAccountPlayEvent.
305  * @param[in] uid \ref AccountUid
306  * @param[out] total_entries Total entries.
307  * @param[out] start_entry_index Start entry index.
308  * @param[out] end_entry_index End entry index.
309  */
310 Result pdmqryGetAvailableAccountPlayEventRange(AccountUid uid, s32 *total_entries, s32 *start_entry_index, s32 *end_entry_index);
312 /**
313  * @brief Gets a list of applications played by the specified user.
314  * @note Only available with [6.0.0-14.1.2].
315  * @param[in] uid \ref AccountUid
316  * @param[in] flag [10.0.0+] Whether to additionally allow using entries with ::PdmPlayLogPolicy_Unknown3.
317  * @param[out] application_ids Output ApplicationIds array.
318  * @param[in] count Max entries in the output array.
319  * @param[out] total_out Total output entries.
320  */
321 Result pdmqryQueryRecentlyPlayedApplication(AccountUid uid, bool flag, u64 *application_ids, s32 count, s32 *total_out);
323 /**
324  * @brief Gets an Event which is signaled when logging a new \ref PdmPlayEvent which would be available via \ref pdmqryQueryAccountEvent, where PdmPlayEvent::event_data::account::type is 0.
325  * @note Only available with [6.0.0-14.1.2].
326  * @note The Event must be closed by the user once finished with it.
327  * @param[out] out_event Output Event with autoclear=false.
328  */
331 /**
332  * @brief Helper function which converts a Play timestamp from the Pdm*Event structs to POSIX.
333  * @param[in] timestamp Input timestamp.
334  */
335 static inline u64 pdmPlayTimestampToPosix(u32 timestamp) {
336  return ((u64)timestamp) * 60 + 946598400;
337 }
Result pdmqryInitialize(void)
Initialize pdm:qry.
Definition: pdm.h:14
@ PdmPlayEventType_Account
Definition: pdm.h:16
@ PdmPlayEventType_PowerStateChange
Definition: pdm.h:17
@ PdmPlayEventType_Applet
Definition: pdm.h:15
@ PdmPlayEventType_Initialize
Initialize. Used for the very first PlayEvent entry in the log.
Definition: pdm.h:19
@ PdmPlayEventType_OperationModeChange
Definition: pdm.h:18
static u64 pdmPlayTimestampToPosix(u32 timestamp)
Helper function which converts a Play timestamp from the Pdm*Event structs to POSIX.
Definition: pdm.h:335
Result pdmqryQueryRecentlyPlayedApplication(AccountUid uid, bool flag, u64 *application_ids, s32 count, s32 *total_out)
Gets a list of applications played by the specified user.
Result pdmqryQueryPlayStatisticsByApplicationId(u64 application_id, bool flag, PdmPlayStatistics *stats)
Gets PdmPlayStatistics for the specified ApplicationId.
Result pdmqryQueryAccountPlayEvent(s32 entry_index, AccountUid uid, PdmAccountPlayEvent *events, s32 count, s32 *total_out)
Gets a list of PdmAccountPlayEvent.
Result pdmqryQueryPlayStatisticsByApplicationIdAndUserAccountId(u64 application_id, AccountUid uid, bool flag, PdmPlayStatistics *stats)
Gets PdmPlayStatistics for the specified ApplicationId and account userId.
Result pdmqryQueryLastPlayTime(bool flag, PdmLastPlayTime *playtimes, const u64 *application_ids, s32 count, s32 *total_out)
Gets PdmLastPlayTime for the specified applications.
Result pdmqryQueryPlayEvent(s32 entry_index, PdmPlayEvent *events, s32 count, s32 *total_out)
Gets a list of PdmPlayEvent.
Result pdmqryGetAvailablePlayEventRange(s32 *total_entries, s32 *start_entry_index, s32 *end_entry_index)
Gets range fields which can then be used with the other pdmqry funcs, except for pdmqryQueryAccountPl...
Result pdmqryQueryAppletEvent(s32 entry_index, bool flag, PdmAppletEvent *events, s32 count, s32 *total_out)
Gets a list of PdmAppletEvent.
Result pdmqryQueryAccountEvent(s32 entry_index, PdmAccountEvent *events, s32 count, s32 *total_out)
Gets a list of PdmAccountEvent.
void pdmqryExit(void)
Exit pdm:qry.
Result pdmqryGetRecentlyPlayedApplicationUpdateEvent(Event *out_event)
Gets an Event which is signaled when logging a new PdmPlayEvent which would be available via pdmqryQu...
Service * pdmqryGetServiceSession(void)
Gets the Service object for the actual pdm:qry service session.
Result pdmqryGetAvailableAccountPlayEventRange(AccountUid uid, s32 *total_entries, s32 *start_entry_index, s32 *end_entry_index)
Gets range fields which can then be used with pdmqryQueryAccountPlayEvent.
Definition: pdm.h:34
@ PdmPlayLogPolicy_All
All pdm:qry commands which require PdmPlayEventType_Applet and AppletId = Application will only retur...
Definition: pdm.h:35
@ PdmPlayLogPolicy_Unknown3
[10.0.0+] The cmds which require PdmPlayLogPolicy_All, now also allow value 3 if the cmd input flag i...
Definition: pdm.h:38
@ PdmPlayLogPolicy_LogOnly
The above commands will filter out the entry with this.
Definition: pdm.h:36
@ PdmPlayLogPolicy_None
The pdm:ntfy commands which handle PdmPlayEventType_Applet logging will immediately return 0 when the...
Definition: pdm.h:37
Definition: pdm.h:23
@ PdmAppletEventType_Exit5
Definition: pdm.h:29
@ PdmAppletEventType_OutOfFocus4
Definition: pdm.h:28
@ PdmAppletEventType_Exit6
Definition: pdm.h:30
@ PdmAppletEventType_Launch
Definition: pdm.h:24
@ PdmAppletEventType_Exit
Definition: pdm.h:25
@ PdmAppletEventType_InFocus
Definition: pdm.h:26
@ PdmAppletEventType_OutOfFocus
Definition: pdm.h:27
Account UserId.
Definition: acc.h:25
Kernel-mode event structure.
Definition: event.h:13
AccountEventV10. AccountEvent for [10.0.0-15.0.1], converted to PdmAccountEvent when needed.
Definition: pdm.h:178
u8 type
See PdmPlayEvent::event_data::account::type.
Definition: pdm.h:186
u32 entry_index
Entry index.
Definition: pdm.h:181
u64 program_id
Definition: pdm.h:180
u64 timestamp_steady
See PdmPlayEvent::timestamp_steady.
Definition: pdm.h:185
u64 timestamp_network
See PdmPlayEvent::timestamp_network.
Definition: pdm.h:184
AccountUid uid
Definition: pdm.h:179
u64 timestamp_user
See PdmPlayEvent::timestamp_user.
Definition: pdm.h:183
AccountEventV3. AccountEvent for [3.0.0-9.2.0], converted to PdmAccountEvent when needed.
Definition: pdm.h:166
AccountUid uid
Definition: pdm.h:167
u64 timestamp_steady
See PdmPlayEvent::timestamp_steady.
Definition: pdm.h:172
u64 timestamp_network
See PdmPlayEvent::timestamp_network.
Definition: pdm.h:171
u8 type
See PdmPlayEvent::event_data::account::type.
Definition: pdm.h:173
u32 entry_index
Entry index.
Definition: pdm.h:168
u64 timestamp_user
See PdmPlayEvent::timestamp_user.
Definition: pdm.h:170
AccountEvent. AccountEvent for [16.0.0+], converted from the older structs when needed.
Definition: pdm.h:191
u64 timestamp_network
See PdmPlayEvent::timestamp_network.
Definition: pdm.h:197
u32 entry_index
Entry index.
Definition: pdm.h:194
u8 type
See PdmPlayEvent::event_data::account::type.
Definition: pdm.h:198
u64 timestamp_user
See PdmPlayEvent::timestamp_user.
Definition: pdm.h:196
u64 program_id
[10.0.0+] ProgramId
Definition: pdm.h:193
AccountUid uid
Definition: pdm.h:192
Definition: pdm.h:204
u64 timestamp1
POSIX timestamp.
Definition: pdm.h:209
u64 timestamp0
POSIX timestamp.
Definition: pdm.h:208
Definition: pdm.h:44
u64 program_id
Definition: pdm.h:45
u32 timestamp_user
See PdmPlayEvent::timestamp_user, with the above timestamp format.
Definition: pdm.h:47
u32 timestamp_network
See PdmPlayEvent::timestamp_network, with the above timestamp format.
Definition: pdm.h:48
u32 entry_index
Entry index.
Definition: pdm.h:46
u8 event_type
Definition: pdm.h:49
AppletEvent. AppletEvent for [16.0.0+], converted from PdmAppletEventV1 on [1.0.0-15....
Definition: pdm.h:54
u64 timestamp_user
See PdmPlayEvent::timestamp_user.
Definition: pdm.h:58
u8 event_type
Definition: pdm.h:60
u32 pad
Definition: pdm.h:57
u64 timestamp_network
See PdmPlayEvent::timestamp_network.
Definition: pdm.h:59
u32 entry_index
Entry index.
Definition: pdm.h:56
u64 program_id
Definition: pdm.h:55
Definition: pdm.h:213
u64 total_launches
Total times the application was launched.
Definition: pdm.h:216
u64 playtime
Total play-time in nanoseconds.
Definition: pdm.h:215
u64 application_id
Definition: pdm.h:214
Definition: pdm.h:101
u8 flag
Flag indicating whether the above field is set.
Definition: pdm.h:106
u64 application_id
Definition: pdm.h:102
u32 timestamp_network
See PdmAppletEventV1::timestamp_network.
Definition: pdm.h:104
u32 timestamp_user
See PdmAppletEventV1::timestamp_user.
Definition: pdm.h:103
u32 last_played_minutes
Total minutes since the application was last played.
Definition: pdm.h:105
Definition: pdm.h:112
u64 timestamp_network
PosixTime timestamp from StandardNetworkSystemClock.
Definition: pdm.h:161
u32 version
Application version.
Definition: pdm.h:119
u8 play_event_type
PdmPlayEventType. Controls which struct in the above event_data is used. PdmPlayEventType_Initialize ...
Definition: pdm.h:157
u8 type
0-1 to be listed by pdmqryQueryAccountEvent, or 2 to include the above ApplicationId.
Definition: pdm.h:141
u8 log_policy
Definition: pdm.h:133
u8 mode
Input value from pdm:ntfy cmd8, see LibAppletMode.
Definition: pdm.h:124
u8 applet_id
Definition: pdm.h:131
u8 value
Input value from the pdm:ntfy command.
Definition: pdm.h:145
u8 event_type
Definition: pdm.h:134
u8 storage_id
Definition: pdm.h:132
u64 timestamp_steady
Timestamp in seconds derived from StandardSteadyClock.
Definition: pdm.h:162
u64 timestamp_user
PosixTime timestamp from StandardUserSystemClock.
Definition: pdm.h:160
u8 flag
Set to 0x1 by pdm:ntfy cmd8, indicating that the below field is set to an input param.
Definition: pdm.h:123
PlayStatisticsV1. PlayStatistics for [1.0.0-15.0.1], converted to PdmPlayStatistics when needed.
Definition: pdm.h:65
u32 first_timestamp_network
See PdmAppletEventV1::timestamp_network. This is for the first time the program was played.
Definition: pdm.h:70
u64 program_id
Definition: pdm.h:66
u32 first_entry_index
Entry index for the first time the program was played.
Definition: pdm.h:68
u32 total_launches
Total times the program was launched.
Definition: pdm.h:77
u32 last_timestamp_user
See PdmAppletEventV1::timestamp_user. This is for the last time the program was played.
Definition: pdm.h:73
u32 last_timestamp_network
See PdmAppletEventV1::timestamp_network. This is for the last time the program was played.
Definition: pdm.h:74
u32 last_entry_index
Entry index for the last time the program was played.
Definition: pdm.h:72
u32 playtime_minutes
Total play-time in minutes.
Definition: pdm.h:76
u32 first_timestamp_user
See PdmAppletEventV1::timestamp_user. This is for the first time the program was played.
Definition: pdm.h:69
PlayStatistics. PlayStatistics for [16.0.0+], converted from PdmPlayStatisticsV1 on [1....
Definition: pdm.h:81
u32 last_entry_index
Entry index for the last time the program was played.
Definition: pdm.h:89
u64 last_timestamp_user
See PdmAppletEvent::timestamp_user. This is for the last time the program was played,...
Definition: pdm.h:91
u32 total_launches
Total times the program was launched.
Definition: pdm.h:95
u64 playtime
Total play-time in nanoseconds.
Definition: pdm.h:94
u32 pad
Definition: pdm.h:85
u32 first_entry_index
Entry index for the first time the program was played.
Definition: pdm.h:84
u64 first_timestamp_network
See PdmAppletEvent::timestamp_network. This is for the first time the program was played,...
Definition: pdm.h:87
u32 pad2
Definition: pdm.h:90
u32 pad3
Definition: pdm.h:96
u64 program_id
Definition: pdm.h:82
u64 last_timestamp_network
See PdmAppletEvent::timestamp_network. This is for the last time the program was played,...
Definition: pdm.h:92
u64 first_timestamp_user
See PdmAppletEvent::timestamp_user. This is for the first time the program was played,...
Definition: pdm.h:86
Service object structure.
Definition: service.h:14
uint64_t u64
64-bit unsigned integer.
Definition: types.h:22
uint8_t u8
8-bit unsigned integer.
Definition: types.h:19
u32 Result
Function error code result type.
Definition: types.h:44
int32_t s32
32-bit signed integer.
Definition: types.h:27
uint32_t u32
32-bit unsigned integer.
Definition: types.h:21